Tools are a very effective way of gathering resources or in some cases, gathering loot from another player’s loot room, here is an explanation of what the right tool to use in Rust is, as well will list the gather rates of certain tools, and what tool does what.

This is your best friend and also the first thing you throw away when you get something better. Anytime you die, and re-spawn the rock will be there to help you restart your journey.

Stone Hatchet

This is the Stone Hatchet, this is what you craft after you use your rock to gather enough wood and stone, it cost 200 wood and 100 stone to craft.

Stone Pickaxe

This is the Stone Pickaxe, this is another item you will craft after using your rock to gather enough wood and stone, it costs 200 wood and 100 stone to craft.

Metal Hatchet

This is the Metal Hatchet, it costs 75 Metal Fragments and 100 Wood to craft. You have a chance to find this in a Tool box along the road and out on the water, this is a Tier 1 Workbench item, it requires 75 scrap to Blue Print, and you need to be close to a Tier 1 workbench at minimum to start the crafting Que for this item.


This is a Pick axe, these can also be found along the road in tool boxes, and on the water in tool boxes. This is also a Tier 1 Workbench item, costing 125 metal fragments and 100 wood to craft, as well it costs 75 scrap to Blue Print. This tool also needs to be crafted while at a Tier 1 Workbench at least.

Salvaged Axe

This is the Salvaged Axe, It requires one metal pipe, and 5 blades to craft at a Tier 2 Workbench, it also takes 125 Scrap to BluePrint. The salvaged axe can also be found rarely in the Toolboxes along the roads and on the water.

Salvaged IcePick

This is the salvaged IcePick, like the axe version, this is a Tier 2 Workbench item, it costs the same as its Axe counterpart, with 1 metal Pipe and 5 Metal Blades. This tool can be researched for 125 Scrap, and you must be close to a tier 2 workbench or higher to craft this tool.


This is the Chainsaw, this tool can be bought at the Scientist Outpost for 125 scrap, it can be blueprinted for 125 scrap as well, this tool is also a tier 2 workbench item so it will require you to be close to a tier 2 workbench or higher to start crafting. To craft this item, you need 5 HQM, 2 Gears, and 6 metal Blades.


This is a JackHammer, this item can be bought at the Scientist outpost, as well can be found along the road and water in the toolboxes. This tool can not be crafted. It can be refilled at any workbench, by opening your inventory, and clicking the jackhammer, than clicking “Refill”. Once it is refilled, it will start to take pieces of the durability bar away (its symbolized by a red bar filling the space)

Satchel Charge

This is the Satchel Charge. This is a raiding tool that allows players to break into each other’s bases and take their stuff. The Satchel can be crafted at a Tier 1 workbench, it can be crafted with four beancans, a small stash, and one foot of rope. This tool can be Blueprinted for 125 scrap. The satchel charge can also be found along the road in brown crates, and on the water.
Timed Explosive Charge

This is the Timed Explosive Charge, or also known as C4. This is a Tier 3 workbench item, it requires 500 scrap to blueprint. C4 can be crafted at a tier 3 workbench with 20 Explosives, 5 Cloth, and 2 Tech Trash. The C4 can be found only in Military Crates at Monuments, the Locked Crate dropped by the Chinook, and the ones on Oil Rig.
These are the most commonly used tools in Rust, Each has its own purpose in the game, and can be used in various ways to help players.
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