Welcome back to another guide on optimizing your gameplay in IcelineFX! Today, we dive deep into the keybinds and commands that will revolutionize your experience, making interactions smoother and gameplay more intuitive. Whether in the thick of intense roleplay scenarios or managing the intricacies of server settings, this guide is your comprehensive resource to mastering IcelineFX controls and commands.
Key: E
Action: Toggles the lock on the nearest vehicle's door.
Description: Pressing the E key will lock or unlock the doors of the closest vehicle you're near. This is useful for preventing others from entering your vehicle or locking it after you leave.
Open HUD Menu Settings
Key: I
Action: Opens the HUD (Heads-Up Display) menu settings.
Description: Pressing the I key will open the menu where players can customize and manage their HUD settings in the game. This may include toggling visibility or adjusting other HUD-related preferences.
Gear Up (Vehicle)
Key: LSHIFT (Left Shift)
Action: Shifts the vehicle into a higher gear.
Description: Pressing the LSHIFT key will shift the vehicle into a higher gear (gear up) for faster acceleration or better performance, depending on the vehicle’s mechanics.
Gear Down (Vehicle)
Key: LCONTROL (Left Control)
Action: Shifts the vehicle into a lower gear.
Description: Pressing the LCONTROL key will shift the vehicle into a lower gear (gear down) to allow for better control or braking power, depending on the vehicle’s mechanics.
Open Inventory
Key: TAB
Action: Opens the player’s inventory.
Description: Pressing the TAB key will open the player’s inventory, allowing them to manage and interact with items in the game.
Open Phone
Key: M
Action: Opens the player’s phone.
Description: Pressing the M key will open the player's phone, allowing them to access various in-game communication and features such as messaging, calling, or using apps on the phone.
Radial Menu
Key: F1
Action: Opens the radial menu.
Description: Pressing the F1 key will open the radial menu, which provides quick access to different options or actions depending on the game’s features. This could include interacting with other players, performing actions, or accessing other in-game tools.
Open Scoreboard
Action: Opens the scoreboard.
Description: Pressing the HOME key will open the scoreboard, allowing you to see a list of players currently online, their scores, or other game statistics.
Toggle Cruise Control (Vehicle)
Key: Y
Action: Toggles cruise control for the vehicle.
Description: Pressing the Y key will activate or deactivate cruise control while in a vehicle, maintaining your vehicle’s current speed without needing to hold down the accelerator.
Hands Up
Key: X
Action: Raises the player’s hands up.
Description: Pressing the X key will raise your hands up, typically used for surrendering or as a gesture of compliance. It can also be used in roleplay scenarios to signal peaceful intentions.
Point Finger
Key: B
Action: Toggles the player pointing a finger.
Description: Pressing the B key will make your character point their finger, often used for directing attention, signaling, or pointing at specific objects or players in the game world.
Toggle Seatbelt (Vehicle)
Key: B
Action: Toggles the seatbelt on or off while inside a vehicle.
Description: Pressing the B key will toggle the seatbelt while you're inside a vehicle, a useful feature for roleplay scenarios or ensuring your character follows proper safety protocols in vehicles.
Tackle Someone
Action: Performs a tackle action on another player.
Description: Pressing the LMENU key will initiate a tackle action on another player, typically used in roleplay scenarios for arresting, tackling, or knocking down other players during gameplay.
Enable Targeting
Action: Enables targeting on another player.
Description: Pressing the LEFT ALT key will enable a targeting mode, allowing you to lock onto another player for easier interactions, aiming, or other in-game features. This is typically used in combat or interactions that require precise focus on a target.
Start Vehicle Engine
Key: G
Action: Starts the vehicle's engine.
Description: Pressing the G key will start or stop the engine of the vehicle you're in, allowing you to drive or perform other vehicle-related actions.
Open Police MDT
Key: K
Action: Opens the Police MDT (Mobile Data Terminal) for players with the police job.
Description: Pressing the K key will open the Police MDT (Mobile Data Terminal) interface, allowing officers to access criminal records, vehicle information, and other law enforcement tools when they have the appropriate job role (police).
Teleportation Commands
/tp [id]
Teleports to a player by their ID or a predefined location.
Server Settings Commands
Toggles the server's PvP (Player vs Player) mode on or off.
Opens the server if it is closed. Requires admin permission.
/closeserver [reason]
Closes the server with an optional reason. Requires admin permission.
Permission Commands
/addpermission [id] [permission]
Adds a permission to a player (specified by ID). Requires 'god' permission.
/removepermission [id] [permission]
Removes a permission from a player (specified by ID). Requires 'god' permission.
Vehicle Commands
/car [model]
Spawns a vehicle by its model name.
Deletes the nearest vehicle.
Deletes all vehicles on the server. Requires admin permission.
Ped & Object Commands
Deletes all peds (NPCs) in the world.
Deletes all objects in the world.
Money Commands
/givemoney [id] [moneytype] [amount]
Gives money to a player by their ID.
/setmoney [id] [moneytype] [amount]
Sets a player's money to the specified amount.
Job Commands
Shows the current job of the player.
/setjob [id] [job] [grade]
Sets a player's job to the specified job and grade. Requires admin permission.
/removejob [id] [job]
Removes a job from a player. Requires admin permission.
General Commands
/ooc [message]
Sends a message to all players nearby in OOC chat. Admins can send proximity-based messages.
/me [message]
Sends an action description (in third-person) visible to nearby players.