Different Rust Admin Roles:

With Rust server hosting, there are different types of roles for admins. Granting a player admin privileges on your Rust server will enable them to use all the Rust admin commands in-game. For example, this could be kick, ban, etc…

There are two types of admin roles in Rust:
ownerid – This will allow the player to execute all admin commands and be able to add/remove other admins.
moderatorid – This will allow the player to execute all admin commands. However, they won’t be able to add/remove any other admins.

How to Add an Admin When Rust Server Hosting:

To add an admin to your Rust server follow the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Iceline Game Panel and go to your server console.
  2. From there go to server/rust/cfg/users.cfg and open up the users.cfg file. If this file is not there, create one.
  3. In the files each line represents a new entry, so one admin per line. The format for adding an admin is as follows: <role> <64_bit_steam_id> <reason/user>.
  4. Once done with adding your admins, save the file and reboot your Rust server!

You can use this website to find your 64-bit Steam ID (steamID64): https://steamid.io/

How to Add an Admin From the Rust Server Console:

  1. Navigate the Iceline Game Panel and go to your server console
  2. Once at your console, type the admin command as follows: <role> <64_bit_steam_id> <reason/user>
  3. After that execute server.writecfg
  4. Note that the players will have to log off and back onto the Rust server to receive their permissions. It also might not show up in the users.cfg until the server is rebooted

Facing Any Issues?

Make sure that you have followed the tutorial step by step. If you are still facing issues after checking through the steps, you can always create a support ticket and we will respond back within our business hours.


Start your Rust server hosting services at Iceline Hosting now!