What Is a Ban?

A ban is a way for you and your Minecraft Server operators to prevent unwanted players from joining. Minecraft includes two commands to ban a player, “/ban” and “/ban-ip”. The first is used to ban the player’s account, and one is used to ban both the account and his IP. Minecraft also includes two commands to unban a player, “/paradon” and “/paradon-ip”. The first is used to unban a player who was banned by the “/ban” command and the second is for a player that was banned by the “/ban-ip” command.

How to Ban a Player

  1. Join your Minecraft server and make sure you are a server operator
  2. In chat, type the “/ban” command and add the player name after it, the command should look like that: “/ban playername”
  3. Send the command and the player’s account will get banned right away

How to IP Ban a Player

  1. Join your Minecraft server and make sure you are a server operator
  2. In chat, type the “/ban-ip” command and add the player name after it, the command should look like that: “/ban-ip playername”
  3. Send the command and the player’s IP and account will get banned right away

How to Unban a Player

  1. Join your Minecraft server and make sure you are a server operator
  2. In chat, type the “/paradon” command and add the player name after it, the command should look like that: “/paradon playername”
  3. Send the command and the player’s account will get unbanned

How to Unban a Players IP

  1. Join your Minecraft server and make sure you are a server operator
  2. In chat, type the “/paradon-ip” command and add the player name after it, the command should look like that: “/paradon-ip playername”
  3. Send the command and the player’s IP and account will get unbanned

Facing Any Issues?

If you have followed all of the steps in this tutorial, you should have banned/unbanned the player successfully. If it didn’t work, make sure you have typed the player name correctly with or without caps. If you are still having issues after this, feel free to contact Iceline Hosting’s support for further assistance.