BetterMC is a Minecraft mod pack made of mods to essentially improve bugs and performance, while also adding new features on top of overhauling existing ones. Explore new dimensions and overhauled vanilla biomes, fight new bosses and discover new mobs, explore with your minimap and create way stones to teleport between locations, and transform your world using the thousands of new blocks added by the mods.

BetterMC has a lot of content for avid explorers thanks to the immense amount of biomes it adds and the changes to the default existing ones, new mobs will populate these areas and make them feel alive while also keeping the experience as vanilla as possible, these additions are not limited to the surface as new structures and monsters will be awaiting underground for a courageous adventurer. BetterMC also has shaders support, so you can enjoy these features at a high quality.

Better MC3 is the release for the Minecraft 1.19.2 version and is available for both Forge and Fabric users, the original Better MC1 dates back to 2020 for Minecraft 1.16.5 and has been updated since then, each version including new mods, updates, and optimizations

Here are some of the Mods included in Better MC 3 forge

  • Be prepared to explore the new dungeons and fight against the evil forces such as the Ender Guardian and the Netherite Monstrosity from Ender 's Cataclysm
  • Beware of the Armored Illagers and their new acquisition, the marvelous Conjurer with its tricks
  • Ease the moving-out process and carry the whole chest or bench with you with Carry On, why use leashes when you can even pick small mobs?
  • Roll in a sled with your wolves and celebrate the holidays with Snowy Spirit, and further decorate your house with all the decoration items added by Another Furniture
  • Carry your own backpack and complete challenges to get new customization options with Backpacked, beware of pickpockets!
  • Did your favorite mob don't make it through the last votation? You can bring them to the game along with new structures and items thanks to Friends&Foes

Also, why not purchase Better MC Server Hosting? We currently have Better MC 1 available as a one-click install with our Mods manager, starting your own Better MC Server has never been this easy!

Before Starting

Since this is a large modpack for Minecraft 1.19.2 you will require 6 GB of RAM at minimum on your server. You can start with our MC-3 plan and upgrade later if required.

Installation (server-side)

BetterMC Curseforge Page
  • Scroll down until you see the server packs on the right side menu, which in this example is named "Minecraft 1.19 Server Packs".
BetterMC Server Files
  • Click on the latest available release (BMC3 FORGE 1.19.2 Server Pack v17), this will bring you to the file menu, then click on "Download".
BetterMC Server Fils Download
  • Wait for the download to finish, then locate the file in your computer and extract it to a new folder.
BetterMC Server Files Extracted
  • You will find these two files inside the folder, if you're using Windows you'll need to right-click on 'start.ps1' and select 'Execute with PowerShell', as this will download the exact Forge version needed for this modpack.
  • After the Forge files have been downloaded, you can opt to delete or ignore both 'start.ps1' and '' files, as they won't be needed anymore.
BetterMC Server Files

You will now need to upload all the folder content to your server, for this, you can use the SFTP details (located on the Settings tab of the game panel) with a program like Filezilla, here's a guide on how to connect to your server through SFTP.

Iceline Game Panel - SFTP
  • Open Filezilla (or any other SFTP program) and access your server files using your SFTP Details.
FileZilla SFTP

(We suggest deleting all files on the server before proceeding to avoid conflict within files, make a backup first if you don't wish to permanently lose any files).

  • Locate the folder where you previously extracted the files and upload the folder content to your server, you can drag and drop the files into the server.
  • All files will start being uploaded to the server, wait for this process to complete.
Note: We need to make a change to the server's startup command to use Forge on Minecraft versions 1.16.5 and above. This will override any future version changes and can only be edited from our end. Please open a ticket and we'll look into it for you.

Once this has been done for you, you will be able to start your server on the game panel. The first boot-up should only take a few minutes, you will be able to join after it fully loads.

BetterMC Server List

Installation (client-side)

Now that your server is up and running, any player wishing to join will first need to download the modpack on their end through the curseforge app.

  • Open the curseforge app, if you don't have it you can download it here.
  • In the search bar, type Better MC and press the Enter key, two versions will show up (Forge and Fabric), for this tutorial, we're using the Forge version.
    • Alternatively, you can find this modpack on the recommended list.
BetterMC Curseforge Page
BetterMC Curseforge Page
  • Click on install and wait for the download to finish.
  • Head to your Modpacks, you will now see a new profile named 'BetterMC [FORGE]', hover your mouse over this new profile and click on 'Play'.
Curseforge Installed Mods

That's it! You can start your BetterMC journey with your friends now!

BetterMC Menu

Facing any issues? These modpacks are constantly updated, so make sure both the server and client version match or you won't be able to join the server. Feel free to contact us through a ticket if you have any questions!