In Vanilla Minecraft Survival, there aren’t any options available for players to protect their houses or chests, resulting in a lot of bad-intentioned players taking advantage of them and griefing their houses, this may result in frustration for new players who may end up quitting your server, so a region management option is a must-have for players to enjoy their times in their Minecraft server, fortunately, there are quite a few region management plugins available for this, and one of those is ProtectionStones.

ProtectionStones is a Minecraft plugin that will add stones that you could use to protect an area with a certain range, players can also add other members to their protections or modify some of the flags such as the welcome message when entering their protections. Protect your players against griefing!

ProtectionStones is fully configurable, so you can add your stones and set their ranges, especially useful if you want to offer alternatives either more expensive or cheaper to your players. This plugin requires WorldGuard to fully work, so if you haven’t installed it yet feel free to read our tutorial here

Installing ProtectionStones

  • Go to the official site
  • Download the version corresponding to your Minecraft server version

Once downloaded, you’ll need to upload the file to your server, this can be done by doing the following:

  • Access your game panel and stop your server
  • Go to the Files tab and click on the Plugins folder
    • If this folder doesn’t exist, you can create it
  • Locate the file previously downloaded on your computer, drag and drop it into this folder
  • Start your server

How to use ProtectionStones

ProtectionStones comes with a bunch of useful commands enabled for all users, which will be helpful for a fast implementation on your server.

You can see a list of the available commands by using /ps help

Getting a protection block

For starters, you’ll need a protection stone or protection block, which is used by the plugin to define a region with a specific range. You can assign these blocks to features from other plugins, such as kits from EssentialsX or custom GUI shops

ProtectionStones comes with a built-in shop to get the protection blocks, you can use /ps get to see a list of the available protections.

ProtectionStones ps get

Type /ps get <name of the protection>, for example, /ps get 64 will give you the 64×64 default block

ProtectionStones Protection Block

Claiming a Region

Once you have the block, locate the site you want to protect and place it, make sure it covers the entire area or they will be able to break the unprotected blocks

ProtectionStones Area Protected

The area will be protected and other users won’t be able to use your stuff or break any blocks, and if you ever want to take off your protection you can just mine it with a pickaxe, or use /ps unclaim

If you want to see the limits from the region you can do so through the /ps view command, the borders from each side will be represented with a particle

ProtectionStones ps view
The blue particle is from the corner

Adding members to a region

You can add other members to your zones so they can build, which is specially useful for those who like to create teams or build with their friend, we’ll use the ps add command for that

/ps add <user>
Adding a user to a region with ProtectionStones
For example, /ps add Javier has added the user Javier to the region

And you can always revoke that permission by removing them from the zone, using the ps remove command

/ps remove <user>
Removing a user from a region with ProtectionStones
While /ps remove Javier has removed Javier from this region

Alternatively, you can use /ps addowner and /ps removeowner to add users to a zone and give them full permission to add other members if they want or configure flags.

See information about a region

If you want to see information from a specific zone where you’re located you can use the ps info command

/ps info
ProtectionStones Region info

This command will show information such as the type of protection block, the region’s name, the flags, the owners and members, and the bounds.

Configuring flags in a region

One of the most interesting things regarding ProtectionStones is the ability to set custom flags in our regions, such as enabling/disabling PvP or mob spawn.

Some flags combined can bring interesting results, for example, you can create a PvP arena in the middle of a city, along with being able to modify the greeting title to anything of your choice. For any of this, we’ll use the ps flag command

/ps flag
ProtectionStones - Region Flags

This will bring a list of the available flags, you can then click on Allow/Deny in the chat to enable one of them, or Edit to set a text.

In this example, we’ve enabled PvP and disabled mob-spawning in this region

ProtectionStones - Region Flags Example
While flags can be set through this GUI in the chat, it can also be set manually through a command. 

The Syntax is /ps flag <flag> <allow/deny/null>. For the example above, the commands would be:

/ps flag mob-spawning deny
/ps flag pvp allow

How to teleport to your region

There are multiple ways to do this, you could either use the ps tp command to go to your specified protection, or you could set a home in your protection and go there by using ps home

For ps tp you will need to specify the name of the zone or the username of the owner, and the number if the user has more than one region

/ps tp <id/player> <number>

Setting a home in your protection

  • Go to the position in your region where you want to set the teleport point
  • Type /ps sethome
Setting a home in ProtectionStones

The point is now set, you can go to it by using /ps home <name of the region>

Alternatively, typing /ps home will show a list of the available homes

How to buy and sell a region

Another interesting mechanic of ProtectionStones is the ability to sell regions to other players, so you can create a city and sell houses to other players if that’s what you want 🙂

Keep in mind that you’ll need Vault and/or any other economy plugins for this to work

  • To do this, go to the region you want to sell
  • Type /ps sell <amount>
    • If you want to stop the sale at any moment use /ps sell stop
  • Done!
This is the result of typing /ps sell 15000

Any user wanting to buy that region will need to go to it and type /ps buy, the amount will be deducted from their accounts.

ProtectionStones Configuration

The configuration file for ProtectionStones is located in the plugins folder under the name ‘ProtectionStones’

How to add new stones and modify their ranges

Adding a new protection stone is a little complex, so it’s recommended to make a copy of the default block.

  • Head to the /blocks/ folder
  • Create a copy of block1.toml file, and save it under any name
In this example, we’ve named it block2

Now we need to edit the details from this new block, so click on it to edit it through the game panel editor.

We can leave most of the default values like that, but you’ll need to replace the alias, description and block.

-The type variable will correspond to the block you're going to use
-The alias variable to the name/id from that block
-The description variable to the information from that block in the GUI

In our Example, we're going to create a block with a Diamond Ore, named DiamondProtection and with a description of '32 block radius protection zone'

Setting the Range

Locate the Region section of the file, you’ll use the Minecraft coordinates for reference.

-The distance_between_claims variable is the minimum distance between blocks, useful to avoid griefing

-For the x_radius and z_radius you will need to set the total range you want to cover. The block we're using as a template cover a total of 64 block to each side, but you can modify this as you wish

-For y_radius it's recommended to leave it as -1 to protect the entire y level

In our example, we're going to leave distance_between_claims and y_radius untouched, and set x_radius and z_radius to 16 each.

Adding a custom name to the block

You can do this through the block_data section of the file

-display_name is the display name for the block, you can use colors if you want

-lore is the description in the block.

By default, it should look like this

Set a price for the block

Replace the 0.0 with the amount of your choice, always with a decimal at the end
Information from the custom block
This is the block we’ve created as a example
Creating a custom protection block
The display name and lore of the block

How to change the default base command

Like some plugins, you can modify the base command from ProtectionStones if you want, just modify the value (ps) from the base_command variable

Make sure it doesn’t conflict with any other commands from other plugins

ProtectionStones Permissions

ProtectionStones already come pre-configured with a bunch of commands oriented to all players and comes with its own set of permissions available for setup with a permissions plugin like LuckPerms.

You can find a list of all the available permissions here

If you need help editing yourMinecraft server or want to get in touch, we offer 24/7 support with all our servers, just get in touch.