What is Valhelsia 3?

If you’re a fan of Minecraft, then you’re going to love Valhelsia 3. Minecraft is a world that is full of adventure and mystery, and the Valhesia 3 modpack takes that to a whole new level. This modpack includes tons of new mods that will make your Minecraft experience more exciting than ever before. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or just starting out, Valhesia 3 is sure to provide hours of entertainment. So what are you waiting for? Begin exploring and start your Minecraft server today!

The Valhelsia 3 modpack includes a variety of mods that are sure to appeal to every type of Minecraft player. For example, some mods add new mobs, and biomes, as well as mods that completely change the game’s mechanics. It’s quite an intensive modpack both server and client-side considering the amount of content within this pack, so be sure to check the recommended requirements below.

The development team of Valhesia 3 recommends at least a minimum of 5-6GB of RAM to be able to play this pack, however, we’d personally say that 8GB of RAM would be a great recommendation as it not only future-proofs your server but allows a bit of a safety bracket for any particularly intensive tasks you or other players are performing whilst on your server.

How to Install Valhelsia 3 via the Iceline Hosting Mod Installer

Here at Iceline Hosting, we offer a great selection of some of your favourite modpacks, ready to install at the click of a cursor.

  1. You’ll want to start by signing in to the Iceline Game Panel, and then select your server ensuring that it’s powered off.
  2. Head over to the ‘Mods’ tab of the Iceline Game Panel and scroll down until you locate ‘Valhelsia 3’ within the list of our mod manager’s Minecraft packs.
Iceline Game Panel – Mod Manager
  1. Simply select the ‘Install’ button as indicated in the image above and you’re practically there! If you’re installing this modpack whilst you’ve got pre-existing files on your server, it’s very important to make sure you backup any files you wish to keep beforehand.
  2. You’ll next want to head over to the official CurseForge page for Valhesia 3, download the CurseForge desktop application and also install Valhelsia 3 locally to your system.

This step is also key as without installing the modpack locally, you won’t be able to connect to your server and will receive a mismatch error.

  1. That’s it, it’s as simple as that. Restart your server and you’ll be good to go.

Depending on the version of Minecraft that your modpack runs on, we’ll likely need to adjust your services Java patch. To do this, please open a support ticket via the Iceline Hosting contact us page and a member of the team will be happy to assist you.

How to Install Valhelsia 3 Manually to your Minecraft Server

If you fancy installing the Valhelsia 3 modpack manually, I’m not sure why considering our excellent one-click mod installer mentioned above… or you’re running one of the Iceline Hosting Game VPS plans then see this section below!

  1. To start, you’ll want to head over to the official CurseForge page for Valhelsia 3 and navigate to the ‘Files’ tab pictured below. This is where we’ll be downloading the server file pack for Valhelsia 3.
CurseForge – Official Valhelsia 3 Page
  1. Once there, you’ll want to scroll down to the additional files section and download the the ‘Valhelsia 3 – SERVER’ pack as seen in the image below.
CurseForge – Official Valhelsia 3 Page
  1. After you’ve downloaded the Minecraft server files for Valhelsia 3, you will need to create a folder on your computer and extract the server pack there. Don’t worry about naming the folder anything special, we just need to run the forge installation included with this modpack first.
  2. As seen in the image below, you’ll want to start by selecting the ‘forge-installer.jar’ and running it. This will then present you with the Forge Mod system installer. There’s a few options listed, but the one we want to select is Install Server and for the directory, choose the same folder we created earlier when extracting the server pack.
  1. Select the ‘OK’ button and the Forge Server client will be installed to your server.
  2. You’ll notice a few more directories and files appears, however, the one we want to focus on is the newly generated forge.jar (highlighted in the image below).
  1. With the highlighted Minecraft Forge.jar, simply rename this to ‘server’. It’s unlikely that you’ll need to add .JAR on the end as this may cause your file to work as Forge.jar.jar which would cause issues when trying to run your server.

We’ve done the longest part, now all that’s pretty much left to do is to upload these files to the Iceline Hosting Game Panel on your server. The best method for doing this, is through an FTP application such as FileZilla. Your FTP credentials can be located via the ‘Settings’ tab of the Iceline Hosting Game Panel, however, if you’re unsure or haven’t used FTP before, see our short knowledgebase article covering this.

  1. Once you’ve successfully connected to your Iceline Hosting Minecraft Server via FTP, simply drag and drop the entire directory onto your server like below.
Windows & FileZilla Explorer

Once all of your files have been uploaded, if you were to navigate back to the Iceline Hosting Game Panel it should look almost exactly like the below. As mentioned before, please ensure that your server.jar file isn’t being displayed as server.jar.jar.

Iceline Hosting Game Panel – File Manager – Minecraft Server
  1. That’s it! Now that you’ve uploaded your files, all that’s left to do is install Valhelsia 3 to your own computer via the CurseForge desktop application (mentioned in step 4 at the top of this page), start your server, agree to the Minecraft EULA Terms dialogue and you’re good to go.

Now that your Minecraft server is up and running, you’ll likely want to configure a server whitelist to prevent any unauthorized players from joining and ruining your beautiful creations! Setting yourself as an admin/op is also a great idea so you’re able to perform tasks such as kick/ban/mute if you encounter any issues with volatile players.

Facing any issues?

As mentioned previously in this article, if you’re having issues with your server starting, it’s likely that we need to adjust the version of Java that your Iceline Hosting Minecraft Server is running. If this is the case, or you just require some assistance in general, then please don’t hesitate to contact our brilliant support team who would be more than happy to aid you with any problems you’ve encountered.

Haven’t got a Minecraft Server yet? Iceline Hosting offers premium quality hosting services for multiple games including Minecraft, Rust, FXServer, Garry's Mod and more! Start your server adventure today with Iceline Hosting!